Impedanz und Rennoir reisen nach Minsk zum Millennium Myth Festival. Der Musiker ist im Tacheles aufgewachsen, die Designerin arbeitet seit Jahren mit der Kunsthaus Tacheles UG. zusammen. Am 14.09.2019 geben sich, Rennoir aka Marion Lefebvre und Ennio Strohauer aka Pycard aka Impedanz, die Ehre.
Impedanz and Rennoir travel to Minsk for the Millennium Myth Festival. The musician grew up in Tacheles, the designer has been working for years with the Kunsthaus Tacheles UG. On 14.09.2019, Rennoir aka Marion Lefebvre and Ennio Strohauer aka Pycard aka Impedanz, will perform at OK16 Minsk/Belarus.
Based between Berlin and Paris, her work is defined as a dark psychological and psychedelic test, giving life to forms interpreted by the unconscious. She materializes a mental journey by a very detailed network of contrasting patterns. EXPERIMENTATION, EXHIBITION AND EVENT “ Coming soon”
Impedanz (Berlin, Germany) Impedanz are Samuel and Ennio from Berlin. With their music they stand for sophisticated, hard, straightforward Techno. Despite living in a digitalized age, their aim is to preserve the analogue soul of electronic music. Warmth, grid and dirt ennoble digital perfection - Old School meets new Order. They both come from different musical backgrounds which influences their own productions. Often hypnotic melodies and experimental artifacts find their way into their sets.
If fear and malice are seen as reasonable, resistance becomes a civic duty.
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